Wedding Venue Checklist
The Ultimate Wedding Venue Checklist
The ultimate wedding venue checklist. Our guide to help you choose the right location for your wedding tipi.
Having a tipi wedding is an exciting alternative and will help create the day you have imagined for your wedding. That may be simple and stylish or decorative and festival themed. To get your plan in action you need a suitable site to create your event and this can be a garden, a field, a farm, the grounds of a hotel or estate. We are happy to recommend some sites that we love and you can ask friends and local land owners or search on line. We thought you may need some tips on what to consider when looking for your site so have put together this list to help:
- How flat is the ground? We do not want you sliding off the dance floor.
- Water. Is there a water source and if not can arrangements be made to get water to the area where the tip’s are to be erected.
- Access for your guests, keep in mind the age range of your guests and any physical barriers for all guests.
- Travel and Parking for guests. Is there sufficient parking space and where is the nearest train station, bus stop and is there a local taxi service.
- Do you need a temporary licence? have a look at this article https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/blog/premises-licence-rules-for-events-ds00/
- Noise restriction guidelines. Ask when amplified sound needs to be turned off and if/when guests need to be leaving.
- Power. Is there access to electricity? If so how far away is it? If there is not then we are happy to help with hiring in a generator.
- What is the ground like in wet weather and lets talk about the plan in the unlikely event of wet weather!
- Boarding options in the surrounding area, Its cost and availability for your guests.
- Price. What is the inclusive cost to hire the land and when can the tipis be erected and when do they need to be taken down. We like to leave you as much time as possible between the tipis going up and your day so you can add your individual touch.
- Space. The tipis are 10.3m and 8.5m they can be linked together to accommodate your guest numbers and this will determine the space you need. Contact us to find our more.
We hope this is helpful. It is not definitive and do let us know if you think we have forgotten anything so we can keep the list going and help future clients. Happy planning!